Are you hosting your own teleseminars? If you are not, what’s stopping you? In helping hundreds of people get started with teleseminars, I’ve found there are several hurdles.
1. “I don’t know why I would want to host a teleseminar.”
There isn’t a business that can’t benefit from a teleseminar. Because you are voice-to-voice with your prospects and clients, they feel they know you better. And when you bring them more information in this format they respond with increased loyalty – and sales.
2. “The technology is too complex!”
On a basic level you need a “telephone bridge line” that allows multiple people to call into a central number. Sign up for a free line, then invite your family or several friends to join you for a call so you can practice muting and unmuting the line and using the other call controls that are available. You will quickly see it is easier than you thought, with practice.
3. “I don’t know how to record the call.”
You definitely want to record the call – but you don’t have to do it yourself. There are services that will record the call for you and give you the file. They will even upload it to your website! It is generally best to have an outside service to record for you until you have a lot of experience under your belt.
4. “I don’t know what to talk about.”
The easiest solution is to interview someone else. Then you just need to ask the questions. In most cases the person you’re interviewing will give you a list of questions you can ask.
If you prefer being “the expert” take the top 10 most frequently asked questions you get from clients and prospects and answer those. You will be amazed at how much you have to say when you’re talking on a topic about which you are passionate.
5. “I might make a mistake.”
This is probably the biggest reason people use to put off hosting a teleseminar. Let’s get over it! You are not perfect. No one else is perfect. We have all done something to embarrass ourselves. But you can edit any “faux paux” out of the recording. Now you just have to worry about the live attendees. And if that’s what’s holing you back, record the teleseminar without a live audience. Then just offer the replay.
Hosing a teleseminar is too important a part of marketing your business to be ignored. Take steps this week to overcome any issues that are stopping you – and make that call!
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