Credibility is defined as “The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief.” No place is credibility more important than online.
After all, when you visit a website you don’t know anything about the person behind the site. Are they honest? Do they provide quality information? Will they deliver what they promise?
Obvious credibility takes on added importance when you make your living as an expert. You must assure your site visitors that you *are* an expert – and that you are *the* expert with whom they want to do business.
So how do you assure the site visitor that you are credible – that they can believe what you say? That you are the expert they seek? Here are five ways to get started.
1. Publish articles in your area of expertise. Not only should these article appear on your website, but they should also be on others’ sites. That means you want to distribute them via article sites, such as Articles are an easy way to display your expertise – and build your credibility.
2. Provide questions and answers on your site. People love to get advice from an expert. Not only do your prospects return to read your advice, but the search engines do too!
3. Host teleseminars and webinars. By serving as the host you can tailor the content to your target audience’s needs. You can invite the guests your prospects want to hear from – and you’ll automatically gain credibility by being associated with these guests.
4. Offer an online course. Whether it’s via email, teleseminar, webinar or an online learning system, a course puts you into the role of instructor – and expert. Your credibility automatically rises.
5. Write a book. Polls reveal that one of the professions held in high esteem is “author.” When you introduce yourself as an author, there is an automatic rise in your credibility.
Start today to implement these five steps – and watch your credibility climb.
[…] S. Cates, PhD of […]
[…] This post originally came from Jeanette Cates’ blog. As you grow and build your business, gaining credibility is key. When you have credibility people will be more likely to work with you, buy your product, and be eager to hear what you have to say. Credibility is defined as “The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief.” No place is credibility more important than online. […]
[…] S. Cates, PhD of […]